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3 Things To Know Before Getting Dental Implants

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There are many ways in which losing your teeth can impact your life. Not only can missing teeth negatively affect your self-esteem, but they can also make everyday things like speaking and eating challenging. So whether you have one tooth or many missing, you are probably considering tooth replacement. Dental implant treatment has long been considered the gold tooth replacement standard. However, there are a few things to know about dental implants before you commit to them.…

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How To Adjust To Wearing Dental Implants

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Dental implants are a permanent solution for people interested in replacing missing teeth. Unlike dental bridges or dentures, implants are placed directly into the jawbone and act as a replacement for the tooth root. This means that they are not as likely to move around or come loose as other dental prosthetics. While dental implants are a very effective way to replace missing teeth, there is a bit of an adjustment period for those who have them installed.…

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Using Dental Technology To Improve Your Dental Health

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Dental technology, just as it is with other kinds of technology, has advanced at an accelerated pace in the last few years. From the products dental patients use at home to improve their dental hygiene to those the dentist uses to diagnose and treat many common dental maladies; things have changed for the better. Find out more and speak to your dentist today. Healthy Moves at Home Things have gone far beyond the electric toothbrush that revolutionized home dental care.…

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Can You Cause Damage By Brushing Your Teeth Too Much?

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Everyone knows how important it is to brush their teeth twice a day. However, you may not be aware that it is actually possible to overdo it when it comes to brushing. Here are some of the dangers of brushing too often and too hard. Brushing Too Frequently The problem with brushing too frequently is that people may not be doing it in the right way. While brushing twice a day is the gold standard from your local dentist, you can brush more often if you want to.…

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Sedation Dentistry For Down Syndrome β€” Malocclusion & Impacted Teeth

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If you are the guardian of an adult with Down syndrome who is having dental pain, it is important that you are aware of the commonality of several abnormalities in the teeth and oral cavity of those with Down syndrome. It’s also important to schedule dental care examinations and treatments with a dentist who specializes in sedation dentistry. Here’s what you need to know about oral hygiene and dental treatments as the guardian of someone with Down syndrome.…

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The 5 Steps To Getting Dental Implants

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Are you considering the use of dental implants to replace your missing or damaged teeth? If so, you may be wondering what you can expect from this oral surgery procedure. Below you can learn more about each of the five steps of the dental implant procedure. Step 1: Evaluation The first step in this process will be to get evaluated by your dentist in order to ensure dental implants are right for you.…

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Suggestions For Parents Getting Their Children Ready To See Pediatric Dentists

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The dental professional that sees children and teenagers is a pediatric dentist. They can perform useful services like comprehensive dental exams and fluoride treatments. If you’re getting your child to see one for the first time, here are some preparational tips worth following. Conduct a General Assessment of Child’s Teeth Before you head to a pediatric dentist with your child, it’s a good idea to conduct a general assessment of their overall oral health.…

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The Tooth Of The Matter: False Myths About Implants

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Dental implants allow patients with missing teeth to experience having a full set of teeth again. Since they replace the root and the crown of the tooth, they work and feel a lot like natural teeth. And yet, as wonderful as dental implants are, some people like to spread false myths about them! Anyone can fall prey to these myths because they’re pretty convincing, but if you keep reading, you’ll learn the truth about dental implants.…

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4 Common Questions About Sleep Apnea

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Sleep apnea is a problem where you have an irregular breathing pattern while you are sleeping, which can cause you to stop breathing momentarily. It’s a serious problem that can be treated by either surgery or special sleep apnea appliances. Here are a few questions you may have about sleep apnea if you suspect that you have it. Are There Different Types Of Sleep Apnea? The most common type of sleep apnea is known as obstructive sleep apnea, and it is when you have a blockage within your airways that causes those breathing problems.…

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Should Bad Breath Be Investigated By Your Dentist?

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For some people, it took the pandemic to realize how bad their breath actually is. After all, you may not have been quite so well acquainted with the smell of your own breath until you wore a face mask. Even those who maintain an impeccable level of oral hygiene and visit their dentist twice a year can sometimes experience unpleasant breath. But perhaps your own standard of oral hygiene is lacking.…

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