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Here's What Implants Can Do That A Bridge Can't

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When it comes to your tooth replacements, you have lots of options available to you. In fact, there can be so many options that you don't know how to make up your mind. Bridges and dental implants, for example, are both valid and safe methods for replacing missing teeth. However, dental implants are vastly superior. Here's what they can do that bridges just can't.

Stays Put

Bridges are intended to be permanent, but they are essentially a bridge between teeth. When an excessive amount of pressure is put on a bridge, it can slip or slide slightly, though it shouldn't come off.

Implants, on the other hand, are harnessed by your gums and even the bone in your jaw. They're not going anywhere, no matter how much pressure or force you exert upon them in your normal, daily use.

Regrows Bone

Dental bridges sit on top of the gums, which makes them an easy form of tooth replacement, but it also has its drawbacks. When you lose your teeth, you lose a fundamental part of keeping your jaw strong. Normally, using your teeth by chewing transfers pressure through them, stimulating the bone beneath to grow. When those teeth are lost, this mechanism goes away. Bridges can't replace it because they sit on top of your gums.

Dental implants, on the other hand, can restart this process because they go so deeply into the gums and bone. Once you're all healed up and able to chew normally, your jaw will gradually grow stronger and healthier again.

Takes Strain off Surrounding Teeth

Since you lost your teeth, your remaining teeth have probably been experiencing extra stress. This is because when you normally chew, pressure is transferred evenly across all of your teeth. However, if you're missing several, pressure gets unevenly spread across your remaining teeth, making them all put up with more pressure than before.

Unfortunately, a bridge could continue this process. Bridges are mounted on two of your healthy teeth, which means that whenever stress and pressure are applied to the bridge, it pulls on those teeth. While healthy teeth can typically put up with the pressure involved, over a long period of time, it can cause dental damage.

Dental implants are self-supported and supported by your jaw. They don't put any strain on surrounding teeth and instead take it off of them just by being there.

So there you have it. Dental implants are better than bridges and can benefit your mouth and teeth in ways that bridges just can't. Contact a company like Amato Dentistry in order to learn more about getting dental implants today.
