There are many ways in which losing your teeth can impact your life. Not only can missing teeth negatively affect your self-esteem, but they can also make everyday things like speaking and eating challenging. So whether you have one tooth or many missing, you are probably considering tooth replacement. Dental implant treatment has long been considered the gold tooth replacement standard. However, there are a few things to know about dental implants before you commit to them.…
Dental implants are a permanent solution for people interested in replacing missing teeth. Unlike dental bridges or dentures, implants are placed directly into the jawbone and act as a replacement for the tooth root. This means that they are not as likely to move around or come loose as other dental prosthetics.
While dental implants are a very effective way to replace missing teeth, there is a bit of an adjustment period for those who have them installed.…
Dental technology, just as it is with other kinds of technology, has advanced at an accelerated pace in the last few years. From the products dental patients use at home to improve their dental hygiene to those the dentist uses to diagnose and treat many common dental maladies; things have changed for the better. Find out more and speak to your dentist today.
Healthy Moves at Home
Things have gone far beyond the electric toothbrush that revolutionized home dental care.…