Having sensitive teeth can literally be a pain at times. You wince every time you eat ice cream or brush your teeth with too much force. Whether your sensitive teeth are due to tooth decay or aggressive toothbrushing, you can improve your condition. Here are five helpful tips to decrease tooth sensitivity:
Do not Eat Too Many Acidic Foods
When you have sensitive teeth, you should not eat too many acidic foods.…
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If you have one or more teeth missing teeth, your dentist may have already spoken to you about the installation of dental implants. A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth that replaces the crown and root of a lost tooth.
The root of the lost tooth is replaced when the implant rod or screw is surgically implanted into the jawbone. During the installation, the metal screw or rod is drilled into bone.…
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Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that leads to developmental delays, including delayed tooth eruption. Delayed tooth eruption means that a child’s teeth don’t grow through their gums on schedule, and it can lead to dental problems later in life. Here are three things parents need to know about Down syndrome and delayed tooth eruption.
What are the signs of delayed tooth eruption?
Normally, children’s teeth erupt on a fairly regular schedule.…
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