Advice for Young Denture Wearers

The 5 Steps To Getting Dental Implants

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Are you considering the use of dental implants to replace your missing or damaged teeth? If so, you may be wondering what you can expect from this oral surgery procedure. Below you can learn more about each of the five steps of the dental implant procedure. Step 1: Evaluation The first step in this process will be to get evaluated by your dentist in order to ensure dental implants are right for you.…

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Suggestions For Parents Getting Their Children Ready To See Pediatric Dentists

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The dental professional that sees children and teenagers is a pediatric dentist. They can perform useful services like comprehensive dental exams and fluoride treatments. If you’re getting your child to see one for the first time, here are some preparational tips worth following. Conduct a General Assessment of Child’s Teeth Before you head to a pediatric dentist with your child, it’s a good idea to conduct a general assessment of their overall oral health.…

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The Tooth Of The Matter: False Myths About Implants

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Dental implants allow patients with missing teeth to experience having a full set of teeth again. Since they replace the root and the crown of the tooth, they work and feel a lot like natural teeth. And yet, as wonderful as dental implants are, some people like to spread false myths about them! Anyone can fall prey to these myths because they’re pretty convincing, but if you keep reading, you’ll learn the truth about dental implants.…

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