For some people, it took the pandemic to realize how bad their breath actually is. After all, you may not have been quite so well acquainted with the smell of your own breath until you wore a face mask. Even those who maintain an impeccable level of oral hygiene and visit their dentist twice a year can sometimes experience unpleasant breath. But perhaps your own standard of oral hygiene is lacking.…
If your teeth appear healthy to you, it might surprise you to learn that you have gum disease. In its early stages, gum disease may show a few subtle signs, which is why some individuals do not realize that they have it. The early signs of gum disease are referred to as gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. Symptoms vary, but you might notice bleeding gums or tender gums.…
If there’s one thing that practically all Hollywood movie stars have in common, it’s their teeth. In this day and age, it’s extremely rare to see an actor with anything but a shining smile of pearly whites, gleaming and perfectly symmetrical. If you’ve admired this look and have tried to achieve it for yourself without success, it’s likely because you’re going about it the wrong way. Here’s a quick look at what can and can’t achieve this appearance.…